« Todos Eventos Este evento já passou. BEING YOU CHANGING THE WORLD EVENT, Barcelona March 2020 mar 13, 2020 - mar 16, 2020 « Taste of Being, Coming Home – São Paulo Feb 2020 SPECIAL EDITION – BY BOOKCLUB » Adicionar ao calendário Google Agenda iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Detalhes Início: mar 13, 2020 Final: mar 16, 2020 Evento Tags:Access Consciousness, Awareness, Being You, being you changing the world, Consciousness, Dain Heer, dr. dain heer Website: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/class-catalog/being-you-classes/being-you-changing-the-world/being-you-changing-the-world-event_38/